Thursday, December 29, 2016
Christmas, Kwanzaa, and The New Year
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Our Trip to the Nursing Home
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Christmas Cards for the Elderly
I feel awful for posting this so late. It's 10 days until Christmas. But I would like to encourage any person to do some goodwill, and to make and deliver at least one card to a local nursing home.
There's a piece of my heart that goes out to those who suffer from anxiety, depression, and/or mental illnesses. I suffer from a mixture of the three, so I will pretty much do anything I can do to help someone for just a second. Did you know that there is a serious increase in depression rates among senior home residents during the holiday season? There's a name for it: Seasonal Affective Disorder. The holidays can make some seniors feel alone and long for "home". There are some who don't get many visitors, and they are reminded of that when Christmas comes around. And there are others who just don't feel the cheer they once had. Not all residents feel this way, but you'll possibly be bringing a smile to the sad while sending cheer to the cheery if you send out cards.
This day last year, I worked at a day care. My class alone (of 7 students) sent out over 100 cards to the nursing homes! Although, I never saw their faces, I just know that some of our cards can made an impact.
Even just signing or drawing pictures on store bought cards can make a difference. (Dollar Tree has packs of 20 or 40 for $1!) So you don't have to be creative, and it doesn't have to be super time consuming. Any kid or adult can do this.
You never know what one small gesture means to someone. So I really want to encourage however many people I can, to spread some holiday cheer. Let some of the local nursing home residents know that they are important, and they have not been forgotten about!
'Tis the season, right?! We'll be hand-delivering our "jolly" tomorrow morning.
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Why We Don't Do Santa
That's just a decision my husband and I made for our family. I don't talk down on anyone who does allow their children to believe in Santa. I don't think there's anything wrong with having Santa, but more than once I've gotten negativity for not choosing to participate.
Growing up, I did not believe in Santa. Christmas still happened and it was still magical. We put out milk and cookies, and then consumed some it. We went to take pictures with the man in the beard, we just knew it wasn't real. We knew mom and dad bought our gifts. That made us more grateful for everything we got. As a daycare teacher and as a kid, I've heard too many kids complain about what Santa did or did not get them. I heard to many kids compare their gifts from Santa to other kids. And it really bothers me. As a child I knew mom and dad did the best they could, and they did pretty good! But I didn't cry when I never received an American Girl doll, because it wasn't some magical man slacking. It was something my parents didn't get. It made Christmas a little bit more real for me.
Christmas is great without Santa. I believe it is more honest and magical. Full of movies and love. We bake cookies, we paint ornaments, decorate the tree, make gingerbread disasters, and the kids tell me what they want. We even went to a parade this year, where we waved at Santa. We watch movies that have Santa in them. So I'm not anti-Santa. But my kids know he's a "bunch of men that get dressed up for Christmas." Trust me, my kids will have a whole discussion with you about Santa.
Our goal isn't to get my children to ruin Santa for anyone else. We teach our kids to keep the truth about Santa a secret. They know some kids don't know yet, and they are not ruining it for anyone. Our goal is just to celebrate the holidays as a symbol of Jesus' birth and to make memories. Our goal is to avoid dozens of questions on a fictional character and to teach our children to be more appreciative at a younger age. The idea of Santa Claus does not help us achieve that. Although, I do hate not being able to whip them into shape with just a threat of "the naughty list" . I do love that we are sticking with our choice for our family. And the holidays are special and Christmas is magical, with or without Santa Claus. There's no need to try and discourage people for doing what works for their family.
Monday, December 12, 2016
Adding A Little Peppermint

Thursday, December 8, 2016
Wrapping Paper Silhouettes
So I made a craft with my boys using my many scraps.

After they were finished gluing, I outlined a Christmas shape on the back. You can do a star, sleigh, tree (I didn't do a tree because of our ToiletTree that we still have up), gift boxes, snowflakes, a bell, Christmas hats, holly, snowmen, gingerbread men, a wreath, any silhouette you can think of! Trace any silhoutte and cut it out. I tried to free hand my bell and star silhouette, and it was not my finest artistic moment.
Because I already had the trees on a toilet paper roll, and we've already made ornaments I didn't make an ornament or stand out of them (but you can!). I also thought about framing them and hanging them up, but didnt feel like finding a frame. Ultimately, I decided to decorate our fridge with them, our kitchen was lacking Christmas cheer anyhow.
Like the ToiletTrees, you don't have to use wrapping paper. You can use glitter, stickers, other construction paper, tissue paper, crayons, anything Christmas-y you have lying around. Flexible crafts are the best crafts!
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Kitchen Creations: Beef & Potato Stew
1. Put stew beef in the slow cooker.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016
9 Ways to Do Christmas Year Round
2. Christmas Movie Night. We have movie night often. But why not randomly have a Christmas movie night on a rainy day in August?! Some of these movies are too good to enjoy only once a year. I vote to set an entire day aside to completely binge on the Christmas classics in June!
3. Hot Chocolate. We can drink that anytime its cold, and just switch it to chocolate milk when it gets warm. Where has my common sense been?
4. Keepsake Arts and Crafts. Sure ornaments are out the picture, but that doesn't mean we can't make keepsake foot and hand print dough just for kicks. (And for mommy to cry over when their hands grow a little .)
5. Gifts. We can make and mail gifts year 'round. We may as well let our aunt in Iowa and their grandparents in California know we think about them all year long, and not just when it's "time" to! Besides, nothing brightens a day like a surprise package in the mail. And you'll have a valid excuse for getting rid of the crafts you aren't so fond of!
6. Concerts and Games. The schools and communities have concerts and games for things other than Christmas. There's no need for me to wait until December to go searching for them. You may not find a parade, but it'll still be some pretty good stuff going on.
7. Play Dates/Visits. This can be done whenever two adults are free and have the means and the energy. It doesn't have to just be done when you're making your Christmas rounds. Come on, Kayla, do better! Show love to those you love all year long.
8. Christmas music. Because 'Nsync's "Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays" is an awesome song any time of the year! And if you practice all year, you will be able to sing "The 12 Days of Christmas" effortlessly come next year.
9. Do for Others. We often wait until the end of the year to consider the less fortunate. So I'm going to think of the homeless year round. I'll have the kids visit nursing homes in the Spring. And we're going to just try and give back to the community as much as we can throughout the year, instead of waiting for the holiday season.
Monday, December 5, 2016
Easy ToiletTrees
Monday, November 14, 2016
The Story of the Circle
I wrote an entire post and forgot to save it! But let me tell y'all life has been getting to me the past few weeks.
We took an impromptu weekend beach trip, and other than that I've been all over the place mentally and emotionally. This is a big reason for why I have not been blogging consistently the past few weeks.
I would apologize, but life happens. I'm out my funk, and Im back today. I even wrote a story that I'm going to share.
Today I am telling the story of the circle below.
On the outside, the circle seems to have it pretty well put together. It's got visible flaws, blemishes, imperfections. But its a whole and happy circle, clearly.
But ket's be frank here, we don't know what is going on inside the circle. It's mostly full of red and blue scribbles. That can be whatever you want to call it: yin and yang, happy and sad, sunshine and rain. Emotions, senses, thoughts, And they over lap often. At any given moment, I-- I mean this circle can feel two, three things at once. Intimate and withdrawn. Angry and relieved. Grief and excitment. Happy, smart, and lonely. Full and empty.
And it's completely normal for the circle. The circle just goes through life never fully red, yellow, or blue. Always happy. Always sad. Never consistent.
Beside the emotions scrambling everywhere, there are bursts of purple fear and anxiety, and spots of white. Spots of nothing. The circle feels nothing. It shuts down. Sometimes, unprovoked. The sun is yellow; the rain is wet; 2+2=4. Yeah, but there's nothing there more than fact. There are brief moments lasting seconds or minutes. But they are still very real, tangible moments when the circle is just merely existing. I'm assuming, to come back from that must be an exhausting mix of fear, happiness, regret, sadness, confusion, anger, and lonliness .
It's no ones fault; the circle was made this way. The circle has accepted who he is, and will probably always be. The circle ruins conversations with open awkwardness, and has trouble maintaining friendships. The circle is an intellectual shape, yet it's the most confused. The circle doesn't fit in, and doesn't even try to anymore. It tells lies to stay home, and considers anything with music a party.
At the end of the day, this train wreck of a circle somehow manages to light up another's world. Wearily and differently, it functions. And that makes it a good circle; a circle with a purpose.
The end.
Friday, November 4, 2016
Cheap (& FREE) Outings
So the boys are starting to go crazy being home every day. So I have been putting together a list of things to do that are free or almost free. Some of these things I've done, and some are on my to-do list. I think they're all worth a try.
(I understand that everyone doesn't live in my area, but maybe this will give you an idea of things to do with your little ones.)
1. Library Visits. Check your local libraries schedule, there may actually be events held for kids. My local one has one every Monday at 10am. But even if they don't, an impromptu story time is still pretty awesome. The library may also hold pretty cool kid-free events too; if you can manage to get an hour of baby free time.
2. Play Dates. Play dates are hard to make, but if you can schedule them don't waste that opportunity! It's a great way for kids (and sometimes even moms) to make a consistent friend.
3. Restaurants with Play Areas. I don't feel obligated to buy meals in order to take my kids to play at the fast food restaurants. I will gladly pay for a $1 tea to sip on while my boys run around acting crazy. I think of them as indoor parks.
4. The Fire House. Please, call first. But a lot of fire house will do pop up tours for your little ones. They get to meet firemen, hear about what they do, and see the trucks. Bonus points for this activity, it's educational
5. Nursing homes. Kids and elderly go hand in hand. It's flu season now, but once the winter is over call around and see if you and the kids can visit. They'll learn and teach so much. Come this March, my boys will be going twice a month.
6. Picnic in the Park (or the Backyard). Simple. Cheap. Fun. Enjoy food while the kids run around. It's an adventure if you don't do it often.
7. Downtown Walks. Our downtown is pretty huge! A downtown walk is our go-to family date! It's scenic and since we're constantly moving, we don't have any issues from the kids.
8. Movies. My kids are 3 and under, so I only have to buy a ticket for me. The matinee ticket is like $6, and the kids' movies aren't so bad.
9. Museums. We have museums with family days and neighborhood nights, where admission is free or around $5. It's a great way to educate the kids and learn something yourself. We even have free museums,
10. Chic-Fil-A. They're a regional thing, but they host a lot of community events! Ours has a crafty toddler time, So check their events page, if you're lucky enough to have one nearby! Also, they usually have a play place.
11. Sporting Events. Whether it's school, community, or church. The local football games are usually $5 or less (and small kids get in free). They can jump, they can stomp, they can yell. It's quite exciting if they've never been. Basketball games work the same way, but the outdoors gives them a little more space with a lot less echo. (My kids don't like echoes.)
12. Park Explorations. Go to a different park other than the one nearby. This may cost some in gas, but I've recently found that there are literally dozens of parks within 10 miles that I have never taken my kids to. The different layouts and play areas make every trip an adventure for them.
13. Nature Trails. Not my favorite, but my kids are in love with them. (Until they get tired of walking.)
14. Skating. If you have your own skates, admission into a rink is much cheaper. Or you can just skate for free on a sidewalk, around the neighborhood, or at the park... Or bicycle.
15. Basketball. There are courts literally everywhere. My kids can't quite make the hoop, but balling together is a good way to get your heart pumping and get family time in. Who says you can't bring a mini hoop or make up your own game?
16. Car Rides to Nowhere. My kids like to be in the car. Well, the boys do. So riding around to absolutely nowhere is so much fun for them. We sing, talk, tell stories, dance, observe. It's a really good bonding experience. And I have an excuse to have the Chicken Nugget Song on repeat.
17. Children's Theatre. Our local Children's Theater has events starting at $1 per person. So look into your local theatres.
18. Bookstore. Especially Barnes & Noble. They have story time and a little play area. Check their page, and it'll have the dates and times listed. If you don't have a Barnes & Noble, it doesn't hurt to call and ask.
19. Pet Stores. Kids like animals; animals like kids. We all did this once, and it wasn't too hard to pry our kids from the adorable pets, but there was a major pep talk beforehand.
20. Concerts! Concerts! Concerts! Music makes the soul feel good. Look around for local concerts, at restaurants, schools, churches, community centers or even outdoor areas. They are more common than you think, especially around the holidays! Let those little ones dance the night away!
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Kitchen Creations: Cheese & Crackers
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Kitchen Creations: Steak Bites & Sides
Monday, October 31, 2016
Monday, October 24, 2016
Girl vs. Boys

Friday, October 21, 2016
My Review: The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do The Time Warp Again
But it was cute, funny, and awful all at the same time!
Tim Curry's appearance was just adorable and oddly charming. Laverne Cox's outfits were absolutely stunning. And all of the vocals were as fabulous as Laverne. (I'm going to just call her Laverne because we're close friends in another dimension.) Victoria Justice showed a slightly non-Nickelodeon part of herself; her vocals were incredibly ranged. And Christina Milian got on my nerves- like she was supposed to.
There were three things that caught me off guard. 1. It was a bit performing artsy and colorful. Rainbows, reds, golds, and so much glitter! I Didn't see that as either or good nor bad thing...Just, different. 2. The lip syncing was off. I think they did that on purpose, but I did not care for it. And 3. The dance moves. The movie was made for TV, and I expected them to play it a bit more safe than they did. But the dance moves in some numbers were not that great, they really took me back to High School Musical. Which is funny, considering that it was directed by the same guy! I guess old habits die hard.
All in all: The original is better; The original is better. But the remake stayed true to its roots in praising originality, vulnerability, and- yes- sexuality. All while morphing to appeal to both the old and a new audience, and remaining fun!
The transvestite from transexual Transylvania was everything. It's on my DVR, and I will be doing the time warp again tomorrow. Singing louder, with popcorn and newspaper in hand, with some kind of bloody, inspired drink (that's not a Bloody Mary). Ready to yell- in the words of my sister: "YASSSS!!!! COME ON THROUGH HERE, LAVERNE!"
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Be Back Tomorrow!
I will be tuning into Fox at 8PM tonight to watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do The Time Warp Again!
I'm super excited to watch Laverne Cox and Victoria Justice run the screen.
Not to mention, Adam Lambert and Christina Millian are also starring in it.
The music in this film is going to be mind-blowing.
I'll be back tomorrow with a review.
I have to spend the rest of the day practicing my songs, so I can sing loud and proud come 8pm!
Yes, it's THAT important!
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
8 (Non-Caffeinated) Tips to Help Boost Energy
1. Vitamins B6 & B12- I'm almost always out of this stuff. Currently, I don't have any. But this vitamin definitely gets me going. It doesn't give me energy, but it takes away the drowsiness.
And there's no crash.
2. Shower- Shower's quickly boost my mood and productivity. It's a relaxation and energizing technique all rolled into one amazing, steamy experience.
3. Movement- I choose to dance, but walking, running, even yoga all help your brain function better. Get some movement in before you start your day It's even scientifically proven to make you more focused and alert. Can't argue with science, right?
4. Reward System- I reward myself, daily. Whether it's a well-deserved drink of water (or wine), chocolate, or a book. For every one- or half of one, on my bad days- thing I check off my to-do list; I do one thing for myself.
5. Make Tasks Fun- Whether you are working, cleaning, or cooking. Find some way to make it more tolerable. I make dishes fun by simply singing to them, practicing my karaoke. When I clean the bathroom, I actually pretend I'm filming a scene in a movie. (It works for me.) I used to work in a call center, and I dreaded it. I made that fun by pretending to have different accents every time I answered the phone. Sometimes I thought I was from New York and other times I was from out west; I even tried an English accent once. And who hasn't hosted their own cooking show while making dinner? Sometimes you just have to change your mindset in order to get things done.
6. Music- Music makes the world go around. What can I say? If it's playing, I'm more likely to get things done and make up some awesome dance moves that no one should ever see along the way.
7. Breakfast- I'm more of a Carnations and go, person. But on my really bad days, breakfast makes the biggest difference. Even if it's something light like fruit and yogurt or cereal.
8. Go Outside- Sunshine, rain, or just really cold. It's going to wake you up one way or another. Besides, it's always nice to get a moment or two of fresh air.
How does everyone else get the energy to get moving on their "off" days?
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
So I've decided to incorporate learning into activities. I teach better that way because it's more engaging. And they learn better because it's more interesting. Everyone wins! I'm trashing the flash cards and I'm going rogue.
Every day we will read and do ONE worksheet that corresponds to the lesson: letters, number, color, shape. Do a verbal review and read a story. And then I'll just take it from there. We may do a craft. go on an outing, or watch YouTube videos. We may incorporate science, history, or even physical education. This should keep us all engaged enough; it gives me some much-needed spontaneity and them a schedule.
Last week, we went to McDonalds for lunch and to play. Because we were learning the letter C (we were and are still are way behind schedule), I had them do things that start with C. Chomp, chew, climb, crawl, clap, carry. We also reviewed things that started with C around us: cup, cars, car seat, chicken nuggets! By the end of the trip, Azariah (2) could tell me what sound C made and Skyland (3) could tell me the sound and list of things that started with C. This was fun because it didn't take a lot of focus. They spoke to me as we ate, and when they played I randomly asked them to do "c" words. I even joined them for a very short period.
I realized, anything can be an educational experience; it doesn't have to stay at the table. And I'm not going to go McDonalds everyday or every week, but I am going to apply what they are learning into everyday life.
Monday, October 17, 2016
Kitchen Creations: Garlic Bread Salad

Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Kitchen Creations: Buffalo & BBQ Ribs
Seasonings of choice-- used salt, pepper, oregano, and seasoning salt.
BBQ Sauce-- I used Sweet Baby Rays Sweet 'N' Spicy
Buffalo Sauce-- I used Louisiana Supreme Chicken Wing Sauce, it's one dollar at Dollar Tree.

First, I seasoned the ribs and boiled them for about 20 minutes. Around 10 minutes in, I preheated the oven to 400F.

After 30 minutes in the oven, I flipped them, completely covered them with more buffalo & barbecue sauce, then baked them another 30-40 minutes .
You can cook them longer to make them more tender, but I was hungry so they only baked 60-70 minutes. They were done & they were fantastic! My husband had sauce all over his hands, chin, and neck- that's how good they were. I'm just sorry I didn't have more than one rack of ribs!
Monday, October 10, 2016
Autumn Wine Glasses
Once we came in, we sat at the table. I let them explain all their findings. We compared things and I even had them describe the textures. After we finished discussing everything, they put their findings in their wine glasses, and I sat them on the mantle for everyone to see.
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Chores for Preschoolers
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Kitchen Creations: Cookies & Crumbles Chocolate Shake

Monday, October 3, 2016
A List of 98 Names: Boys, Girls, & Unisex
1. Nytiere- This is a name I made up a long time ago; I dubbed the meaning as "night air", very similar to the sound ny-te-heir
4. Elliott- Jehovah is God
5. Elijah- my God is Yahweh
I have a few friends that have used this name, so I never used it. I'm completely against name-stealing from friends and family, even if it's an awesome name,
6. Ian- Gift from God
7. Asher- happy/ fortunate/ blessed
8. Azarias- God has helped
I actually wish I named Azariah this.
9. Zacharias- the lord has remembered
10. Angel- messenger/ angel
11. Ezra- help/ helper
12. Azai- strength
13. Sergeant- to serve
I love this name, it just screams "little boss", or "big boss". You know depending on the age.
14. Kaine- tribute
Spelled differently because I wouldn't want my child linked (closer) to the Cain of the bible. Spelled this way the name also has an entirely different meaning than Cain
15. Parker- park keeper
16. Nicolai/ Nico- victory of the people
17. River- river
18. Wyatt- guide/ wide/ wood
19. Myles- destroyer
Simple, one syllable, and sweet sounding, despite the meaning.
20. Harley- from the hare's meadow
21. Dominic- of our Lord
22. Kasey- observant/ alert/ vigorous
23. Kovu- Yes, like from Lion King 2.
24. Thessius- super ultra old school, but doesn't he sound so mighty & noble.
25. Kofi- my brother & I used to have a toy named Kofi. I loved it.
26. Addison- I think of an artistic and quiet person. One that's brilliant, & has a cool name.
27. Rain- abundant blessings from above
28. Jasper- my favorite name that my husband just had to hate!
29. Casper- treasurer
30. Caspian- Caspian Sea
31. Kellen- powerful/ bright- headed
32. Jonas- a gift from God
33. Noah- comfort/ long- lived
34. Joseph- may Jehovah add
35. Caden- friend/ companion
36. Exodus- going out/ departure
An unusual name, but it's pretty solid, right?
37. Abraham- father of multitude
38. Pierre- rock/ stone
39. Declan- man of prayer
40. Hunter- hunter
41. Wolfe- wolf
Boys are strong, crazy, energetic, strategic, wise, leaders. Like wolves.
42. Titus- title of honor
43. Samson- what better sign of strength than this name?
1. Winter- year
2. Quinn- wisdom/ reason/ intelligence
3. Wynette- beautiful
Uncommon & elegant
4. Shy- bashful
5. Freya- lady
This is actually what I figured Jeffrey's name is girl form, that's why I adore it
6. Rainy- counsel power
I love nature names, can't you tell?
7. Misti- misty
8. Charli- small beauty
My personal opinion: Charli is a better name for a boy than a girl (even if spelled Charlie, keep in mind Charlie means man).
9. Harlee- hare meadow
10. Riayn- little King
11. Sapphire- gem/ beautiful
12. Adalyn- pleasant
13. Madalyn- magnificent
14. Stormy- tempest
15. Jana- (yah-na) God is gracious
16. Aspen- the name of a tree
I had a doll named Aspen; she was an avalanche worker.
17. Della- noble
18. Genesis- birth
19. Jade- means stone of the colic; it's a pretty green stone
Familiar story: for years my daughter's name was going to be Jade
But my niece, born 4+ years before my daughter, was named Jayda. She was actually born a month after my nephew, so two of my names were taken at the same time.
20. Capri- whimsy & playful
I love this name. It was Noelles middle name, originally. But she just didn't look like a Capri, so I named her Noelle Katia instead. I think of Colbie Cailat's Capri every time I hear the name.
21. Caprice- fanciful
22. Abbi/ Abigail- father's joy
23. Nyla- cloud or champion
24. Nya- purpose
25. Zana- graceful lily
26. Zuri- beautiful
A little girl at my daycare way named Zuri. She was precious, cool, smart, & full of life. She was also a bit funky (in a cool way).
27. Raine- queen
28. Skye- Sky
29. Naomi- pleasantness
30. Skyler- scholar
31. Tyler- door keeper of an inn
32. Ryder- knight
Like Charlie, I like this name better for girls
33. Cosette- victory in war
From Les Miserables. Oh, Cosette! Isn't the name just dreamy?
34. Yasmin- jasmine flower
35. Yazlyn- free
36. Elle- she
37. Vega- star / meadow
A name from the Galaxy. How cool.
38. Journee- a trip or experience
39. Mac- it means son of Scottish
But isn't Mac the coolest name for a girl! She sounds all sporty and cool. Everyone's friend & a complete daddy's girl! I just think this is darling.
40. Ginger - ginger (spice)
I tried to name Noelle, Ginger when she came out with red hair; Jeffrey wasn't having it.
41. Kloƫ- young, green foliage
42. Ivy- faithfulness
Same story as Ginger. But she does get to be poison Ivy for Halloween; close enough right?
43. December- tenth
1. Averi- counsel
I am a fan of trading Ys for Is.
2. Salem- peace
3. Shiloh- the one to whom it belongs
4. Adley- Judicious
5. Phoenix- a fiery bird that is reborn in it's own ashes.
This name is extremely symbolic, and it was Noelle's name if she were a boy.
6. Harper- one who plays the harp
7. Elian- the Lord is my God/ God is family
8. Ashe- Ash tree
9. Kansas- south wind
10. Harlow- army
11. Snow- snow/ fair skin/ fair completed
12. Wyn- blessed/ white/ fair
Simple, 3 letters, & just beautiful for a boy or girl. Reminds me of an honest child.
Friday, September 30, 2016
3 Secrets for Going Out with Multiple Kids Under 3
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Breastfeeding: 7 Reasons To & 4 Reasons Not To
1. All though her poop is looser, leading to more accidents. It stinks less, so I don't mind it as much.
2. She's my last born, and it seems to make her more baby-ish. It keeps her in my arms longer.
3. Health benefits, blah, blah, blah.
4. Pumping hurts. So I just stick her on the boob.
5. My boobs are not saggy when they are full of milk; although, they are leaking. They just seem perkier, and I enjoy that. They look like wrinkly old cantaloupes when I'm not breastfeeding. Having babies destroyed my boobs. Small price to pay, though.
6. If I forget a cup, milk or water; I always have milk. For FREE.
7. I am lazy. This is perhaps my biggest reason for breastfeeding. If I'm asleep (we co-sleep), I can just stick my boob in her mouth. No sitting up required. If she's hungry, I don't have to make a bottle; I just stick my boob in her mouth. My boobs are always with me; I never have to find them. I wash them in the shower so I know they're always clean enough. Breastfeeding enables my laziness, so I continue to do it.
There are cons and a few reasons not to breastfeeding:
1. I have leaking boobs. They are not fun. Sleeping topless is not a comfortable option; that's how you awake in a cold, smelly pool of milk. Worse than a leaking boob is an evil engorged boob.
2. They are no longer my boobs. They are Noelle's. They belong to her, I'm just allowed to carry them around...on my body.
3. I get pinched, nipple chewed, scratched, and grabbed. Like I said they are no longer my boobs; my 4-month-old mistreats them at her will. There is nothing I can do about that.
5. Another reason not to breastfeed is because you don't want to or you can't. As long as the baby eats and receives the nutrition he or she needs, it does not matter.