Today was better, but I was still not completely my sunshine-and-rainbows-self. But life goes on, and I have to roll with it whether I feel like it or not. We have a Black History Month Presentation that we're doing on the evening of the 28th; I really needed to get some work done with the boys today.
So I sang.
Singing lifts my mood, and my boys learn quickly through song.
And today, I happened to catch the attention of little Miss Noelle.
That's 4 birds, one stone.
Skyland and Noelle are karaoke people, they sing dance and clap along. Azariah is my music appreciation guy, he sits listens and smiles; Sometimes he may hum or sing lowly, sometimes. But they were all interested and participating in ther own way.
Randomly throughout the day, at 5 to 15 minute intervals we sang. We reviewed what they already knew, and they learned a lot of new things. They even had a few Black History Facts to tell Daddy this evening.
Songs are how they are/were taught the days of the week, months, how to spell their names, counting, the alphabet (obviously), continents, and now history. Next it'll be the periodic table! (Well, maybe in some years...after I learn it myself). And if there isn't a song for what I teach, I pick a familiar melody and put together a few lines that rhyme or kind of rhyme.
Today I made a song about the old cowboys. It's not a great song, but it's informative and the kids loved it. Good enough for me!
To put it simply, music is art. Art sparks creativity, originality, and individuality.
Music is fun, and it can be educational. It is one of the strongest and most effective teaching tools, especially for younger minds. And utilizing it makes me feel like I'm not only bonding with my kids, but giving them a head start.