Monday, February 6, 2017

Kitchen Creations: Beef Teriyaki & Rice

There's a restauraunt nearby that serves Korean Beef Teriyaki over a spicy rice.  Well, it is delicious! It is also $13.  Which isn't very expensive, but it still isn't a price I am willing to pay every time I have a craving for it.
So I made it myself, and it's pretty delicious.  Now I'm going to share it, so I have a reference if I go a while without making it.  And because it's pretty good and cheap, and ya'll may like it, too! I've made this recipe twice for $7 - $10, and it feeds about 4 people.
The rice is super easy. I buy two boxes of jambalaya and follow the directions.  I just don't add any meat.
Then there's the beef: I buy whatever is on sale stew beaf or any steak.  If it's stew beef, make sure to cut it into small pieces, so the teriyaki flavor is in every bite.  Different cuts will have different flavors.  But if you're not a meat connosour, it isn't a big difference.  I season the beef with garlic powder, onion powder, and werchestershire sauce.  Just enough sauce that it's on every piece of meat, but not enough to wear the meat is swimming in it.
In a seperate bowl I make my own teriyaki sauce. I used to make teriyaki chicken a lot, so I have this down to a science.  I basically combine soy sauce and brown sugar until I reach my desired taste.  (If you don't have brown sugar, you can use a little honey and regular sugar.) You can make it to your own taste preference, so it won't be too sweet or too bitter.  You can also just use teriyaki sauce.
Then I drown the beef in the teriyaki sauce, and cooked it on medium in a skillet for about 30 minutes; I let the edges get slightly charred.
Plate the rice.  Top it with beef.
And it's an easy 30 minute dinner, that tastes like you went out to eat.
I made this scrumptious-ness twice in a week, and I am making it again next week.

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