Monday, January 30, 2017

Happy (Late) Birthday, Skyland!

I left the blog hanging on Wednesday.  
You know how it is when the to-do list gets a little too long? Wednesday meshed with Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
And was my oldest's birthday was last week as well! 
My little angel is 4 now! We celebrated with dinner and a mini-vacation.  And we surprised him with a kiddie microscope ... that apparently is more interesting in photos than in real life. (He still appreciates though, just in very short spans.)
Naturally, he's also going to get a (late) Happy Birthday, Skyland! on my blog today...& I'm going to briefly stroll down memory lane. Who knows? Maybe he'll read this one day.  

It's still hitting me that my baby boy is growing so fast, and he's turned into a nerve-wrecking, crazy, sweetheart.  I am in love with my dramatic mini-me.  And even though sometimes he is the very reason I need some HaWine Punch, I am VERY proud to be his mommy!  

I'm going to share a few photos of my boy from bug-eyed baby to a silly preschooler.  Just look at my beautiful little angel that keeps me grounded! (Ya'll he was the cutest little bug-eyed alien baby this planet has ever seen, and he's grown to be so darn handsome!)  

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