Monday, January 2, 2017

New Year's Resolutions

I hope your holidays were filled with joy, and that you can carry that spirit throughout the year! 

I'm so excited to be doing my first post of 2017! It is a new year and a fresh new begininning! I'm starting my new beginning with a bit of a head cold, but I am trying not to let that bring me down.
This year I hear a lot of people rejecting the idea of resolutions.  I've even seen articles about why they are useless. I also see a lot of rejection of the "new year, new me" phrase, but it doesn't hurt anything. I say let people do whatever makes them feel good.  And I am a "new year, new me", resolution making freak!
I find resolutions fun and useful. Maybe because I don't base them off of goals, but things that I want to complete or things I want done, versus the things that "need" to be done.  Like I probably need to excersize regularly (many of us probably do!), but I really don't want to,  I do want to ride horses though.  So going horseback riding often is a goal for me this year, not excersizing regularly.  This year I am axing life consuming resolutions from my list, like "learning Spanish" for an example.  It is something I really want to do, but it's also something that takes dedication.  I am already spread pretty thin, and I know I can't make a commitment to it, so I am not going to give my self the false hope that it'll get done.  (I'm sure I'll learn a few extra spanish words and phrases in my free time.)
Yes, you can make resolutions at any point or any time.  There is no super valid reasoning behind why you should wait until the New Year to work towards resolutions. But a new year gives me the feeling of a new beginning, the same way a good hair cut and style does.  That's why I choose that time to select and work towards changes that I want,  It's also just a fun tradition for me!
2014's and 2015's resolutions were all accomplished, 2016's were mostly accomplished.  I would say all, but I did not learn Spanish nor did I eat healthier (oops!).  So here are 2017's resolutions!
1. Give back to the community; put good in constantly
2. Go back to college
3. Take Vacations & Family Day Trips
4.  Support Jeffrey's Resolutions
5. Organize Toys into Centers and Have Kids Play in Them
6. Visit Nursing Home Regularly
7. More playdates
8. Put Noelle in her OWN bed.
9. Wake Up Earlier
10. Go Horseback Riding a Good Bit!
11. Limit Social Media Time
12. (Last BUT most importantly) Grow in my Faith.

Do any of my readers write resolutions? If so, what are the "goals" for 2017?